Thursday, January 1, 2015

"The Silas TechnoHypnoGroove Christmas Song" (audio)

The version of "The Silas TechnoHypnoGroove Christmas Song" is sounding groovulous to me.  I've listened a few times and it doesn't make me cringe.  The lead is twisted and does some cool things so I'm glad I uploaded it.  There is no final version of this tune but this is a good shot of it.

The gig itself was the weirdness of all possible weirdness, the bar none strangest I ever did in SL.  I was going to ask why they did that but they then I figured, screw it, what difference does it make.  The recordings are captured and with those I can do as I like.

The main thing was to get the tunes out here for the anniversary as there's nothing I can give to Cat that means more to me.  At the time I was playing it I wasn't sure if she was there as she couldn't get there at the start but she was trying.  Really she likes clean guitar playing the best but I like giving her radical plus nothing has ever touched me as deeply as the sounds an electric guitar is capable of making.

There's a Cult of the Purple Thin Pick developing as I'm getting it in my head there's more good juju in the purple picks than the traditional ones.  This is utter rubbish but it's good rubbish and I like that.  I would like to get to the point at which I see I have a traditional pick and think, noooo, I need to find a purple one.  Then I'm officially crazy with it and I'll be pleased.

As to whether it's really Christmas, in my twisted Universe it is.  Everything about it is for giving away and that really doesn't separate it particularly from any music but the object was to bring some of the sounds of Christmas together with complete madness and find a place where it's all at least somewhat cool.  The beat is a bit more primal than the one when I first started but it all evolves as it will.  It's not a tune for elves and munchkins but I'm satisfied it did what it set out to do and anything can always be better but it's a good shot of it and it felt pretty good, if radically weird, doing it.

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