Monday, January 5, 2015

Apple is Click Bait for Facebook Morons

There was a recent Microsoftian Uprising regarding the use of storage on iOS devices (i.e. Apple iPhone, iPad, etc) and there's a lawsuit so some attorney(s) can cash in on it.  There is no basis to the lawsuit and any reasonably-intelligent adult would have done some fact-checking to validate whether there's an actual concern.

But, nooooo, we wouldn't predict that would happen, would we.  Much better to present ludicrous reports on multiple news channels and various blistering but ridiculously-stupid attacks on Facebook.  All of these incidents have one thing in common:  not a single person checked the facts.

Appleinsider:  Despite lawsuit, Apple's iOS 8 storage is actually far more efficient than Google's Android, Samsung's Galaxy, Microsoft Windows

Unlike every other report, this one is researched and documented.

If you're up for some Apple-bashing, don't go to the second string.  Ask someone who actually knows.  My own view is that OS X Yosemite is an offense against nature after some California snowflake decided transparency is so cool, man.  That gave everything a semi-resolved appearance and, in the case of Safari, that's good as Safari goes into loops so frequently that it's often even better to make it entirely transparent with Force Kill.  I still use Safari because it's much faster than the sludge pit of Chrome and I got tired of Firefox a long time ago.  Nevertheless it still flips at least once every day.

There's no reason to launch a lawsuit because Apple released a second-rate operating system as that precedent would permit Windows users to burn Microsoft to the ground.  Apple may fix the problems in the next release whereas Microsoft has been doing it for around thirty years and still can't get it right.  They survive because, just as in making nachos, someone has to make the Velveeta.

As to our li'l Facebook friends, the termites of data processing, how much credibility will you give to their next political statements.

(Ed:  right about the same?)

Right you are.  That's why they're on Facebook ... and I'm here.

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