Monday, April 7, 2014

Welcome to America - Racial Edition

When we first came to America, we had relatively little experience with racism and I remember a jeweler in Davis, California, telling my ol' Mother,  "Ma'am, those black people, they smell different, don't they."

Always helpful in teaching the American way, aren't y'all.

Something I noticed was that old black people walked around with their heads bowed a little bit and many times in speaking would end a sentence with 'Suh.'  It's at least a small victory that this doesn't seem to happen so much now but it wasn't on movies.  I've seen it and sure I'm an old crank but it's still not that far back and it wasn't in Mississippi.

This was in California, land of a whole lot of sun and very little light, and later in Ohio.  Black people have said to me, I'd rather be in Atlanta.  In the South if someone thinks you're a 'nigger' then he will say it.  In the North they hide it.  My sample size is small as it's not like 'some of my best friends are black' but rather I know some white guys, I know some black guys.  I don't know that many people overall so take the testimony I have heard as you wish.

My surveys are not always precisely reliable.  I have concluded that everyone in Iowa is a psychopath.  However, my sample size is small at one individual so the standard deviation is five million Iowans.  The one I did know was definitely a psychopath, utterly bereft of empathy, so let's adjust the standard deviation to 2.5 million Iowans as that was one sick package.

Note:  California isn't 'North' as, like Florida, it isn't really anywhere.  It's a land of palm trees, plastic tits, and cocaine.  Damned if that ain't the perfect summer vacation.

So, I'm mixed on the word and I use it because I believe it is more honest than 'n-word' which, to me, just means you thought 'nigger' in your head but you translated it.  I have to make up my own mind on what is right as I can't, for example, go up to someone and say, "Excuse me, sir.  I see you are a black guy so what do you think about use of this word."

I do not use the word in conversation and neither do I use 'n-word' as there's no need for either of them.  Maybe I talk to someone about hearing some crazy good guitarist and maybe they ask what's so good about the guy or what style, etc but asking whether he is black or white may or may not even happen.

None of this stuff goes across the bridge.  You know it doesn't.  Some think the Rainbow Bridge is a metaphor for death and perhaps that's true but it's not my view of it as on the other side of it is where you can find the Necromancer.  I've said in the song that the Necromancer is out beyond the farthest star but he's very good with time and space.  He can be anywhere he likes.  He sends the music but we don't know who sends the Love.  That's pretty much why you want to get there, isn't it.

I don't see this as a metaphor for death as it didn't kill Hendrix and he's the one who told me about it.  For me, it's the Ideal, the Source, or whatever mystical word you want to ascribe to it.  Sometimes I walk to the keyboard and there isn't a melody in my head, I'm curious to what will come.  I'll play a chord and let it hang in space.  This will suggest another one.  If you know what suggests the next chord then you know about the Necromancer as it was not in my head to start.

Perhaps it is the tactical, empirical, evidence-based holism and its electrons spin in tight little circles while neurons shoot electric through my brain for an algorithm determination of musical sequencing based on my historical reality and perceptual stimulus of this precise moment to produce ... that chord.

Maybe ... but I'm not that smart.  No-one is.

And maybe you think I'm talking about God but I'm not.  If there's a God, he watches all of this and laughs, thinking, "Man, you still haven't figured it all out."

All this came from a bellyful of propaganda from some goose-stepper in Deutschland's NPD.  He was going on and on about how he loves Germany and the white race.  Don't you be getting all smug, Dagwood.  This same shit happens in the U.S. and Idaho has been a safe haven for Nazis and white supremacists for years.  In fact it's most likely that there are many more Nazis in the U.S. than in Germany simply by dint of the much larger population.

Since it's online you have to consider maybe some other party is writing as if it is the NPD to portray them falsely.  I don't believe that but the Internet is riddled with that sort of thing.

Some Tea Party nimrod was counseling people to go to Amazon to give bad reviews to books by liberals.  It's total chickenshit but that's what they do.  Check out the Warrior of the New Age.  Don't piss him off or he will throw a book review at you.  His kind of obedience to authority is exactly what the State needs.  Whatever it tells him to do, he will do and he will have the light of Jesus in his eye when he does it.  Look at the guy, he's witnessing for the Lord.

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