Sunday, March 16, 2014

Don't Worry About the Wood - It's Dinner

The wonder of science is about to give us, well, wood.  Even better, thanks to a research professor, we will be able to eat it.  (Fox News:  Professor cooks up recipe for turning wood chips into food)

You too can be a fuckin' termite.

The research shows how to process all the wood products that would otherwise be classified as rubbish.  Yah, that means this is hotdog wood as all the parts of the animal that no-one will eat go into a hotdog.  He wants us to eat wood but do we get oak, mahogany, ebony or any premium wood like that.  No, we get hotdog wood.

Of course it's Fox News bringing this to us as who could possibly be happier about it.  Now they will be able write Holy script on the evils of being poor ... and then make poor people eat the paper.  It's the perfect solution.

The applications go far beyond eating the Redwood Forest as any plant material becomes food.  Collect all those lawn clippings and, presto, you have lunch.  You can be the billy goat you always longed to have but were too chicken to buy.

Note about goats:  they are bandits.  (That's from someone who knows, obviously not me.)

(Actually I think it's fairly brilliant what they guy did as what good is it to waste anything but that's not funny.  Even worse, it makes sense and things are not supposed to make sense.)

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