Friday, June 9, 2017

Playing with Martians, Mobiles, and Miscellaneous Mutations

Before the Martians left, they sent a message back to us to advise, "We're so damn glad we don't have to live on that planet ... well ... for as long as it lasts."

I told them they were pussies for leaving but they just flipped me off and it's really unusual the way Martians do it because they have twelve fingers ... on each hand ... and some of them have eyes.  Something not so well known is a single finger can regenerate an entire Martian should it become separated from the body.  It's a problem during elective Martian surgery since every bit the Martian doctors removes quickly becomes another Martian so the surgical theater can get crowded.

The ML EL did not happen yesterday but hopefully in the A.M. when Yevette may have more juice for the expedition.  The scratch is there but the juice not so much.  Just now there's quite a bit of Moonbeam interference but sometimes that's best although it doesn't do much for the A.M. realm.

Yevette often watches old B&W TV shows so I'll walk past during one of my periodic constitutionals and think, "I can name that show in six notes."

Frequently I can as probably would most from that era since it doesn't take much long-term memory to recollect Herman Munster.  Yah, he's still on TV.

Frequently that's the only contact with Yevette and for hours on end, after which she crashes.  I spend at least 90% of my time alone but I'm not lonely and this is a follow-up to a reply to a Comment to another article regarding AI companion robots.  (Ithaka:  Life May Suck but a Companion Robot Can Make it Worse #Science)

Note:  that's not a doom and gloom article and you may find it amusing for the Rockhouse solution to friendly robos.

The more intent focus in articles I'm deliberately trying to bring now may tend to make them more impersonal which is something I do not want.  The motive was specifically personal in starting it so people important to me would be aware of whatever lunatic thing I'm doing.  For any of us with anything deeply personal, it goes offline for talk which, I believe, is where it belongs.

It's probably no great surprise there's some Really Bad Shit happening in the background and worse which I have not mentioned so there is some measure of the real which must come online because, for example, there will be a showdown in two weeks and it's a big one.  There's no need for detail or speculation since the latter isn't much good for anything and the ML EL will cover any other.

Ithaka may appear as diversion but in fact it's fervor for greeting life rather than regret at it going away.  There's a poem about a dark night doesn't even mean anything but that's not quite in focus.  It needs to engage Steve Jobs' WOW in some way as well.  It dances about in the wispy night, whether to torment or delight, we shall see.

Although the plan is for an older iPhone, I have no intention of doing iPhone things with it beyond using it as a telephone.  I won't text except for absolute emergency and there's nothing else they do which something else here does not do vastly better.  Those four- or five-inch screens are just painful.  Ouch.

I'm not sure if the iPhone can connect to the Mac with the same cable (i.e. plug) as is used for the existing iPad.  If yes, that will give an immediate and zero hassle way to ensure the phone is charged at all times.  That will also mean it is within arm's reach at all times.

Things do mutate and not only in a biological context but rather the odd evolution / devolution all around in which countries descend into gilded savagery.  That concept can take ownership much as that dark night and all the more reason to hold focus on where it needs to be and the first thing I ever wrote was a poem about clouds when I was a wee sprat.

I know it was entitled, "Clouds," and there were black ones and white ones but all were part of the same thing and, oh, so kozmik for a little kid.

Ed:  you were crazy from right out of the box

I've been tellin' you (larfs).  The ganja didn't do it; ganja just makes it more entertaining.

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