Thursday, June 1, 2017

First Thing I Found Which Wasn't Political, Violent, or Both

Rhenen City, Netherlands

Giant pandas Wu Wen and Xing Ya, both three and half years old, make their first appearance at the Ouwehands zoo, where they will stay for 15 years

Photograph: Xinhua/REX/Shutterstock

One thing we see about those pandas
Bamboo won't work well to clean the tush
but the rules are a little different
when you live out in the bush

- Colonel Abuthnot Jones


Anonymous said...

Have you been following the little hippo and her progress at the Cincinnati Zoo? Makes ya happy to watch--zoo keepers took her for a swim for the first time--the video would put a smile on your face!!

Here's a link:

Enjoy! ML

Anonymous said...

P.S. Video 7 of 29 showing tooth check up is really cute!!

Unknown said...

I have seen a little bit but not too much so that link should be highly cool. Thanks again!