Tuesday, May 2, 2017

For When You Really, Absolutely Hate Dogs

If there's anything worse you can do to any animal than training it to be vicious, prithee tell me, what could that possibly be.

This shit is despicable and check that evil stick he uses to hit the dog.  That dog will take the fall for this rat and his cowardly ass will let it.  Fuck him.

Toby the Dog doesn't know a single damn trick and I love him for it.  You continue being a crazy, Mexican jumping bean, dumb ass, Toby the Dog.  You sure love it when I scratch yer li'l tummy, don't you ... you crazy ass, Mexican jumping bean of a dog.

There's not a hint of viciousness in his whole body.  He may jump you to death since he's nearly knocked me over multiple times because he hasn't quite grasped 'Be Cool' yet.  He gets happy and he jumps ... a lot (larfs).

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