Thursday, March 2, 2017

"White Train" | Tito & Tarantula | with All the Toms You Will Need Today

Maybe with a Latin name like Tito, you associate a mariachi band ... but this isn't even close.

"White Train" has the most killin' toms and they beg to be loud.

There was such excellent death in "Desperado" and, thankfully, Salma Hayek was the only one who didn't get shot, stabbed, or blown up with grenades.

They even kill Steve Buscemi and how much more wtf do you get.

Whenever you're for a vibe of, well, let's just fuckin' kill everyone, this, my violent compadre, is the movie for you and the music is outstanding.

Here's some more from Los Lobos ... smokin'.

And Antonio Banderas shows his moves on guitar.

The man is phenomenal.

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