Wednesday, March 8, 2017

I've Been Doing this Since 1969

It occurred the other day that Ithaka doesn't differ much from the way I wrote papers in university starting in 1969.  In picking up clips and quotes and whatnot from here and there, they can be stitched into a paper and, presto, term paper with justifying material to show the premise.

I know it's difficult for some to write papers and I don't really feel sorry that I can do it relatively easily and others cannot since the thing I see is English teachers or someone ripped others off by failing to convey the pleasure of it.  When you're comfortable with writing, your expression takes a different drift from live since there's no pressure to deliver anything in a timely way.  It's not necessary to be snappy and vivacious.

Even in a social network, there's pressure since someone's comment means you probably ought to look at it and action may be required.  He or she may be waiting for the response so there's pressure.  In the Ithaka context, there's a bit of pressure since I've established a general pattern for the content and I feel a need to deliver it with or without any logic behind that.  Even so, that pressure is minimal relative to live or quasi-live online.

You can see the same technique all over Ithaka in which I frequently take excerpts from Science Daily and stitch them in the same way and my point in it may not always be the same as that of the original science.

Freshman:  that got you a university degree?


Freshman:  that's it?

Well, a lotta reefer.  That should be mentioned too.

Freshman:  don't you think you undercut your potential with all that reefer?

Nah, if anything I extended it and any problem came from a gigantic contempt for authority.

Freshman:  why?

It hits me.  I don't fuckin' like that.

Freshman:  hit back!

Better to find people who think different ways and know other ways toward motivation.

Freshman:  so you went to uni to hang about with a bunch of liberals and freaks?

Yep, mostly freaks, tho.

Cadillac Man:  I'm not a freak!

You bloody well are!  You ate the acid.  You are experienced.  You are a freak.  Own it.  Ha ha

Note:  y'all are way past the years of Talking to the Kids About Dope but that must have been hilarious to see when you first choked your way through it.  Near as I can tell everyone did exemplary jobs and I'm not ignoring problems which did come but I'm also not assigning them to cause since there's not much to be done once they're out in the wild.

Ithaka is largely stream of consciousness and it's something like eating acid in the old days in terms, of, hey, let's try that and see what I think about.  I'll accumulate tabs in Safari of things I find interesting as I wander about and there will so many Safari can no longer keep track of them.  Some of those will spin into articles but I don't have any particular plan although some ideas will start to congeal as I go into a brain dump around midnight to spill out a sequence of articles.  Bang, bang, bang and there may be half a dozen of them.  It will often surprise me to look back to see, well, that happened, huh.  It's not that I don't remember but rather it surprises me to see the result.

This bit of introspection now came out of nowhere so, ok, roll with it.

Freud:  this contempt for authority came from getting swatted by your father, ja?

Ja, Sigmund.

Freud:  and all others you knew were supportive of peace, ja?

Auch ja, Sigmund.

Freud:  then you went into the Army and no-one supported peace, ja?

Ain't that a bitch.

Freud:  the Army ist your Vater!

And ain't that a bitch too.  That does make things a little complicated.

Freud:  and you love your father but hate the Army, ja?

Always, Sig.  I'm up to almost forty-five years of hating the Army and it's no less today.

Freud:  this is the principle of psychological transference, Hairy Monkey, since you transferred hatred of your father's authoritarianism to the Army and hated that instead.

I fuckin' did that?

Freud:  ach so.  Would you like to snort some coke with me?

Thanks but no, brother.  I don't got the time, don't got the time.

That li'l sparkler just now never dawned on me previously and it's like a similar thought regarding autistic tendency.  As soon as Mystery Lady heard that, there was immediate clickage with things making sense.  They hadn't made sense to me either but that other li'l gem did a similar thing.

Maybe a bit of irony insofar as I have not as yet completed the Patreon sign up for the purpose to trying to collect some sponsors because, well, I have to write a lot of crap about myself to explain why the support is a good idea.  I choke on that but do this brainspill here.

Ed:  it makes no sense!

I've noticed that.

There isn't a lack of confidence since I write stuff, you read it, so maybe asking a few coppers in support isn't such a terrible thing but still I have to write that spew about being some kind of good guy and I fuckin' hate it.

Meanwhile, back to the best part of pitch dark in the middle of the night:  gettin' stoned and watching sci fi movies.  The current screen is "Europa Rising" which seems to show more science than flim flam so Silas is approving thus far.

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