Friday, March 3, 2017

Fitbit Condom Shares Your Sexual Performance with Internet for Competition Events

The i.Con is expected to be available later in the year.
© David Gray

Those who feel the only way to make sex even sexier is with data visualization, it’s time to rejoice – the ‘World’s First Smart Condom’ does just that.  The i.Con gathers data on its wearer, including thrust velocity, calories burned and even detects STIs.

The device made by British Condoms will let wearers compare their performance stats with the rest of the world (which is sure to do wonders for their self-esteem) if they so choose. It consists of a ring worn over a traditional condom that, when fully charged, allows for up to eight hours of data collection.

- RT:  Fitbit for man bits: Smart condom to rate your performance

Ed:  so now you will need your iPhone when you're in the sack so you can get a live rating relative to other competitors?

It looks that way, Casanova.

Ed:  why would anyone do that?

No idea, Cas, but the company making them must think there are quite a few buyers.

Ed:  what if the sharing software can be hacked so someone else can tell it's me when I'm engaged in a carnal manner?

Here's a tip, Cas:  don't be surprised by Divorce Court.

The part from the company you will really love is what they left out regarding their plans for the future i.Vag which will be capable of sending real-time information to the Internet from women as well.

Ed:  the i.Con will connect via Bluetooth with the iVag?

Almost certainly.  The i.Con can detect if you're getting ahead of things and will give you little electric shocks to slow you down.

Ed:  I might dig those electric shocks anyway

Whatever does it for you, Casanova.

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