Wednesday, October 21, 2015

What Things Make You Afraid

It's interesting to discover what makes you afraid ... and also what doesn't.

From the Chapman University Survey on American Fears.    Unknown at this time what to make of Chapman since it's in the same place as Orange County Choppers.

Corruption of Government Officials:  when the number one fear is corruption of the government, you need to seriously replace those Washington creeps and that damn sure includes Clinton, both of them, and don't let those damn Bush people in again either, same thing.

Cyber-Terrorism - can't say it's any difference from old-time malicious hackers except now the government does it too.  See above about the corrupt government.  It's still not terrorism but rather greedy thieves trying to steal things.

Corporate Tracking - Facebook and Google sell your information but no-one does anything so how big could this fear really be.

Terrorist Attacks - why is this even in here.  It's been fifteen years since the last one.

Government Tracking - See above about corporate tracking.  Same thing.  Same people.

Bio-Warfare - this is starting to look rigged.  I've never heard anyone express a concern about this although many are aware.  I've read lots of editorials from pundits but never from a real person.  I've written a few myself.

Identity Theft - yah, this one is a bitch.  It's grand how the banks made it so easy for crooks to steal your credit card information.  Crooks don't even have to steal it anymore, just shoot some Radio Shack gadget at you and read everything from credit cards to your cellphone information.  Ain't electronics wonderful.

Economic Collapse - happens sometimes but still not likely.  The ones affected most by this would be the filthy rich and no-one cares if they survive anyway.

Running Out of Money - in other words, knowing the government will do nothing for you terrifies you.  Fair enough, it won't.  Start saving when you're young.  It's your only defense.  I can tell you from my own life, the government will do nothing; the GOP saw to that.

Credit Card Fraud - same as Identity Theft so two fears for one.

Interesting to see Terrorist Attacks in-between one type of government surveillance and another type. From that we conclude you're more afraid of the U.S. government than you are of terrorists.  Well you might be, so is the rest of the world.

There's nothing on the list about about anything of this nature.

Fear of Being Unfulfilled - is not the most terrifying in life to fail to achieve or even try to realize your dreams.  None of the above comes anywhere close except insofar as they may prevent you from doing it.  However, no-one has said that.  In America, the Land of the Individual, the government wants you to huddle as sheep while the Great White Savior rescues you from the bad terrorists.  Kee-rist, I swear someone must have seen that in a comic book and not only is Hollywood doing endless cartoon movies but so is Washington, led by the Terror Kings of the CIA and Homeland Security.

Where are you, the Individual, in that.  Answer:  nowhere.

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