Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Some Have Gluten Intolerance / Some Cause it in Others

What do you know.  Dietitians hate candy.  It will kill you and they can prove it ... maybe.  But it has lots of sugar and that will kill you or those artificial colors ... man, those colors will poison your hootchkuss.

(Ed:  what is hootchkuss?)

No idea but dietitians can sure tell you candy will poison it.  (Live Strong: 20 Most Dangerous Halloween Candies)

And, by 'live strong,' we mean on rice cakes and water.  If a kid asks for some candy with that crowd, they will tell the little rotter to pull it out of the lawn.

Maybe we will get lucky and they will start pulling 'air terror' soon and then the hipsters will all be walking around wearing gas masks like in Beijing.  How do you suppose that works out with a cellphone.

We've got candy terror, GMO terror, militia terror, hacker terror, economic collapse terror ... fookin' hell.  We've even got the terror of getting more terrified.

This is when you kick back, load up a nice bowl of some fresh ganja, and draw deep on the blessing of the Great God Mescalito and feel that tingly inter-dimensional counterfluxian bazoola kicks into it.

(Ed:  isn't that slang for 'vagina?')

No idea but I have a theory everything is slang for vagina somewhere or other.

(Ed:  I'm not getting terrified yet)

Nah, me either.

If a terrorist is going to box my worthless ass, there is not one damn thing I can do about it.  That's not because it's pre-ordained but rather they're sneaky fuckers and wherever the uniforms with guns go ... what do you know, the terrorists go somewhere else and surprise you.

You can worry about that but it won't change anything.  You might throw a few coppers toward those who will try to fix what's wrong rather than endlessly shooting people, tho.

But I don't got any coppers so let's try another tok here.  The bowl only goes about two or three hits.

Yah, and clean that screen, Castenada Boy.  If you don't, you'll take a few toks and you will be smoking pipe skank after that.

All this fookin' terror.  Who even knew about gluten terror until within the last few years.  I have no idea what gluten intolerance does and, unless I have it, I don't want to know.  What the fuck is this Marcus Welby, M.D., crap all the time.

Somewhere down the line, people forgot the purpose of the Internet:  cybersex.  We got instead the Solutions to Live Forever.

So now they've got the terror they won't live forever.

Jeebers.  I'll be trying one more tok here.

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