Monday, October 5, 2015

Historical Records Requests

As to those historical records, the request list went like this: 

Racing --- check, got some racing and motorcycle crash and bang.  There was one with no crashes and all about speed but, nope, you want bending metal.  OK, we may have some more we haven't considered yet.

Parties --- check, got the Death Parties but there was one complete outrage which needs attention

School --- lots of mania from freak times in school and university - more to plumb here

UK as a kid --- not much to add here as I wasn't even a year old when we left Scotland for Australia

Australia --- check, got some written

Growing up --- check, got some written and that mostly will be Australia

Bengals Super Bowl --- check, got this one - beyond insane

Army --- check, this one has probably been flogged by now - maybe something more in it

Ah, a racing story comes to mind.  It shall be posted forthwith.

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