Monday, October 12, 2015

Bernie Sanders Steps Out in Front ... and, Gasp, It's Recognized

CNN tells us 'How Bernie Sanders turned himself into a serious presidential contender' but it's odd they would have any idea when they did so much to ignore him up until now.  The probability of anything useful in the article is not high and I have not read it.  All of the political coverage from CNN and Fox News has a reeking stink of paid advertising.

CNN and the like don't realize it's a reaction to their phony coverage, quackery from Fox News, complete bullshit from Congress, etc, etc which are the biggest drivers behind Bernie Sanders ... because he is none of those things.

The Tea Party effectively murdered any GOP candidates for President these last weeks with the most inept political gamesmanship we have seen out of the Tea Party yet.  Sure, elect a President from that crowd ... you couldn't even find a decent dogcatcher because they would be too lazy to do it themselves.

Clinton was never a serious contender except from the standpoint of those who received money from her campaign.  She's obviously Old School Washington and she's got Bill Clinton working the talk shows trying to lay out some sleazy charm to overcome her inadequacies ... but we've seen Bill Clinton's sleazy charm before and, NO, I would not vote for him again.  He lied to me the last time and he does not get another chance, nor does his wife.

(Ed:  what was the lie?)

NAFTA and the big banks.  He signed for both of them and they are two of the biggest problems in the face of the American worker.  NAFTA started the tidal wave of American jobs being out-sourced overseas and the big banks created the incestuous cesspool of bank-driven securities which, in combination with distorted tax rates, shifted the bulk of the American capital to the upper class.

Where previously (i.e. up until 1980) about 70% of profits went to the workers, that number is now a small fraction of what it had been when America was strongest and most profitable.  There are profits now, they abound, but many are false profits in terms of outrageous markups by gouging corporate interests.  When Bill Clinton denies being any part of that, it's a bare-faced fucking lie.

Of course no-one wants that, we've seen it for decades and it's no damn good.  Just once, we would like to see an honest President and Hillary Clinton doesn't come even close to qualifying, the Republican candidates couldn't be more incompetent if they were programmed for comedy, and Joe Biden can't find his political GPS (i.e. he hasn't sucked into enough bribe money yet).

Don't run, Joe.  You're a joke before you even start and we will slash your phony ass up and down the moment you try.  We have not forgotten how you placed your boy in a corporate job in the most powerful private gas corporation in Ukraine.  Here in English, we call that political patronage and you go to jail for it ... but not in Washington.  There they think it should make you a President.

The people disagree and Bernie Sanders fills auditoriums with his message.  He has accomplished this despite being almost ignored by any of the so-called leading news channels and, thus, those channels are of no value in supporting him now because they have already established themselves as paid tools.

The People are driving this one and Washington money, for once, has little to do with it.  The Koch Brothers need to realize without they're money they're nothing so, in short, they're nothing.  They have nothing of value to say and they should do what the other richies do:  piss off down to the islands where we don't have to hear from them ... except for an annoying inspirational message from Richard Branson every so often.

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