There was the filthy-rich upper class of the times of the Tsars. The Bolsheviks killed every damn one of them. It's the only way to control the rich as the French had proven previously.
The Bolshevik and the Marxist ideal collapsed into Communism and when the people realized how much favor the comrades at the top were handing themselves, along comes Perestroika and the Soviet Union falls.
America loves to say it had something to do with it but it's crap as the Russian history shows they do it themselves anyway. If the rich get out of hand, they kill them. Simple.
There's some ludicrous idea in Obama's little mind that he can pressure Putin but, were that desirable to Russians, they would be doing it already. Nobody's going to look for an assist from Americans on that as they always fuck it up.
All Obama can bring is a war. If it's a limited engagement in Ukraine then he will lose and a whole lot of Americans will die (shrug). If it's a big one then everyone dies (shrug).
Either way it doesn't matter because, as usual, the important problems of the world are being ignored in favor of dick-measuring contests ... which America always loses, at least ever since WWII. They say they bring peace but the only peace that ever came after U.S. military intervention in that time was in Vietnam after the U.S. military got its ass kicked out. More than fifty years later and Korea is still in chaos. That one part works doesn't make much difference when the other half doesn't and some of the heaviest military presence on the planet stays there to keep them apart.
But, wtf, there are more crash monkeys chattering about Wall Street taking a dive lately. Some call for a 'correction' and others call for a collapse but more are doing it. When that comes, the richies will gather like fat hens around their money and they won't have so much interest in Ukraine. It's just another mindless exercise in a completely mindless game (i.e. the world according to America).
The Bolshevik and the Marxist ideal collapsed into Communism and when the people realized how much favor the comrades at the top were handing themselves, along comes Perestroika and the Soviet Union falls.
America loves to say it had something to do with it but it's crap as the Russian history shows they do it themselves anyway. If the rich get out of hand, they kill them. Simple.
There's some ludicrous idea in Obama's little mind that he can pressure Putin but, were that desirable to Russians, they would be doing it already. Nobody's going to look for an assist from Americans on that as they always fuck it up.
All Obama can bring is a war. If it's a limited engagement in Ukraine then he will lose and a whole lot of Americans will die (shrug). If it's a big one then everyone dies (shrug).
Either way it doesn't matter because, as usual, the important problems of the world are being ignored in favor of dick-measuring contests ... which America always loses, at least ever since WWII. They say they bring peace but the only peace that ever came after U.S. military intervention in that time was in Vietnam after the U.S. military got its ass kicked out. More than fifty years later and Korea is still in chaos. That one part works doesn't make much difference when the other half doesn't and some of the heaviest military presence on the planet stays there to keep them apart.
But, wtf, there are more crash monkeys chattering about Wall Street taking a dive lately. Some call for a 'correction' and others call for a collapse but more are doing it. When that comes, the richies will gather like fat hens around their money and they won't have so much interest in Ukraine. It's just another mindless exercise in a completely mindless game (i.e. the world according to America).
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