Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Active Conspiracy Against Liberals in America

The most recent news in the War Against Dissent in America comes from Tallahassee, Florida, where a drone aircraft crashed and some of the wreckage was collected before the different police agencies spirited the rest of it away.  (Tallahassee Times:  Government Drones with Night-Vision Cameras)

In the part of the wreckage investigators recovered before officials arrived was a type of device which appeared to be used for spraying.  At first the thought was another example of chemical subjugation of the citizens via airborne gas but further examination revealed a type of paint which is only visible under ultraviolet light.

Suspicions were raised throughout the underground and there was a corresponding report from Corpus Christi, Texas, where another drone crashed and the authorities again arrived quickly but on-site investigators managed to recover before they arrived what appears to be night-vision camera equipment.

To discover what the drones had been doing, the local investigators hired a helicopter and used a powerful ultraviolet light to shine down as they flew over what they believed was the path of the drones.  In so doing, they discovered bright blue markers on a number of the houses and they apparently had been painted there by the state drones.

Photo courtesy of Blue Texas Militia

The houses were identified and this was cross-referenced to discover who occupied the ones which had been marked.  All of them turned out to be contributors to subversive organizations (e.g. UNICEF, War Child, Doctors Without Borders, etc)

Now the actual threat in Operation Jade Helm becomes clear.  The government is sending the military for the blue people and the pretense of it being a training exercise is to lull people in the State of Texas into complacence and compliance.  (Alex Jones:  The Conspiracy Revealed)

It's about a week until Operation Jade Helm begins its attack.  We will continue reporting for as long as we can.

Note:  the reference links are crucial for a full appreciation of the scope and peril of the conspiracy against Americans.

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