Saturday, June 6, 2015

How the Pentagon Killed John Wayne

There are many examples of Pentagon indifference to the effects of radiation and fallout from above-ground nuclear testing in Nevada in the 50's and 60's.  The Pentagon, unsurprisingly, had no idea what it was doing and showed no regard for the safety of the people affected by fallout.  They even stationed troops deliberately to watch nuclear tests so they could observe what became of their human guinea pigs.  Maybe you thought human experimentation stopped after WWII but not in the Pentagon.

The example is from 1951.  There are many others.

That's not even the worst of it as the Pentagon announced to people there were no worries from the fallout and, hey, enjoy the fireworks as they're fun for the whole family.  Don't mind the dust which coats everything downwind.  It's harmless.

Yes, they really said this.

Howard Hughes shot a hugely-awful movie in the area downwind of the nuclear blast sites, all of which was known to have high levels of radioactivity and there's even a picture of John Wayne with his boys as they look at a Geiger counter that was on-set.  Apparently no-one paid any attention to it despite quite a bit of noise from it and "The Conquerer" was filmed according to the planned schedule.

In the years to come, an astonishing number of the people from the cast and supporting crew had died of cancer ... all thanks to the Pentagon.  John Wayne was a heavy smoker and died of lung cancer but that doesn't explain all the other deaths and lung cancer comes to people who don't even smoke.  That's what killed Andy Kaufman who never smoked in his life.

The evidence is compelling and you can read about it in The Guardian:  Hollywood and the downwinders still grapple with nuclear fallout

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