Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Christine Jorgensen 1951

Christine Jorgensen had her sexual reassignment surgery in 1951 and returned to the U.S. where she was featured in the New York Times and advocated strongly for support for transgender people.  She must have had an extraordinary support team as transgenders often don't end up with anywhere near her femininity.

After seeing the Vanity Fair image for Caitlyn Jenner, my first thought was how appropriate a choice for the debut when you're sixty years late to the party.

That's when I wonder why she does it.  Maybe the thought is she advocates for transgender and, sure, that makes a lot of sense when you consider the selfless work all the other Jenners and Kardashians do.

I don't mean why does she do transgender as that's her business and I don't care but why does she do it so publicly when this hasn't been news for over half a century.

If this is all for a reality show, I'll be pukin' me guttywuts all over the stage.

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