Sunday, June 7, 2015

Blowing Up Bluffdale, UT, Will Accomplish Nothing

Maybe you figure you plant your bomb and blow up the NSA data center in Bluffdale thus disabling America's intelligence-gathering capability but think it through, Dagwood.

They've got another one.

That they have made the existence of the Bluffdale, UT, NSA data center more or less public isn't anything more than an extremely-expensive and elaborate version of the idiotic game Pamela Geller plays.  If you bait them, they will come.

Obviously Washington considers Utah expendable as the Feds already covered the state in radioactive fallout from above-ground nuclear testing in Nevada, not once but many times.  So, in answer to what makes Mormons:  radiation.

On page one, chapter one of the systems design book is the need for failover in everything.  There was a plan for a second Bluffdale before they ever positioned a brick for the known data center.  If they didn't then they're even more amateurish than they seem already.

CNN asks if Bernie Sanders can start a revolution.  (CNN:  Will Bernie Sanders start a revolution?)

I doubt that as well as Americans have become fat and lazy.  That they didn't revolt already shows it's probably impossible.  Obama didn't deliver on anything he said he would and Bush was a complete disgrace so political credibility in any candidate is near zero.  You can believe Republicans when they say they will kill a lot of people but the rest of it is crap and Americans know it.  Doesn't mean they will do anything about it, tho.

Lindsey Graham said he will reduce taxes while he sends more troops to Iraq.  These maniacs live in some kind of conservative Disneyland but the hell of it is people believe it ... so long as tax rates are low.  Being a Republican shows a remarkable lack of imagination or an extraordinary lack of conscience, maybe both.  You can see it when they call themselves 'financial conservatives' as if that absolves them of all the killing that goes with the position.

As to Americans showing some balls and revolting against it ... I doubt it.

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