Tuesday, June 9, 2015

A Little Car Crash

See, there you go accusing ... if you weren't stoned, you wouldn't have crashed.

Possibly that's even true ... but I wasn't driving.

I didn't crash the car but rather I crashed into it.  I was walking to it in the dark and the damn tree stump moved again, the bastard always does that on half-moon nights.  I tripped and went head-first into the car door.  Crash.

Yah, there you go accusing again.  I shouldn't have even been thinking about driving.

But I wasn't.

My only intention out there was to fetch something and doing a head-plant on the door really wasn't part of that.

In a way it's a small payback for so many cars crashing into me.

Getting stoned isn't that cool anymore ever since all the hipster dilettantes started writing guidebooks to Colorado reefer.  You meet a much better class of people in street dealers and incorporated reefer farms will be the final death of whatever laughingly still calls itself hippies in the U.S. as they are absorbed along with every commune from here to San Francisco.

Reefer still has mixed legality in Europe but Czechoslovakia is said to be open with it and lots of Germans go there to get it.  What that says to me is there is potential for old fogies to get into this as a few old fogies hardly look like drug smugglers and it's not like you're dealing with Turkey where they will bury you for dope.

I've ruled out becoming international jewel thieves because crashing into the car indicates a certain measure of clumsiness that would not likely be appropriate for a successful jewel thief.  Therefore, the next potential plan is to become international drug smugglers.  It's ridiculously easy to get it into England.  As always, the only problem is when you get greedy as that will get you caught every time.  One of the most successful counterfeiters in U.S. history only made nickels.

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