Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Thinking, Thinking ...

The reason for the blather is I need a command decision.  Murder the standing version of Yosemite 10.10.3 and install a clean copy with no applications in it … or … keep booting it over and over until I see a response from Apple and/or Techsmith.  How a software problem could get worse in this way is unknown but, as I said, I didn't do it.  The update to Yosemite 10.10.3 loaded automatically and there was no reason to expect chaos from a low-level change.

Yosemite 10.10.4 will emerge eventually and I imagine their design crew is aware of the situation as there are plenty of people bitching about it.  That presents a third option of sit and do nothing until it arrives.

There's no exaggeration as the system is almost non-functional.  This is one of the most evil stabs life ever threw but the only answer is to stay cool or I will make it worse.

It's tantalizing as the dream was almost entirely within reach.  I just needed to go another month or two to get another camera and this would be the Perfect Kit for making the videos, editing them, and then shipping them out to millions of people who won't watch them.  The regulars saw it with "The End of the World in Fort Worth" as that video was ready to go as the content and flow were set.  I only had to record the music scene in the Rockhouse and to make it, even if I do say so myself, something to approach the class of what Pol Arida does.  I'm not competing with anyone but I see who has talent and he is very good with video and he is another DIY video maniac.

(Ed:  what does this mean about going to Cincinnati?)

There isn't money for it and I'm not asking for it but it's a compelling idea.  Cincinnati in May is beautiful and it's just about the perfect time to get hammered on a bike to total it and yourself.  That's what I did and it worked well to that purpose.  It might be a bit ambitious to try to repeat that but there are other aspects of the Cincinnati Spring which are a delight so the timing is excellent as it's too early for Cincinnati to turn into the 90% humidity sweatbox the East enjoys each Summer.

When a problem is this bad, it's often the best idea to walk away from it so you at least don't make it worse.  It would be a good trip too but bittersweet as there are people I love up there but most likely I would not be able to see them again after that.  No doom and gloom in that as it's been years since the last time and likely it would be again.  Never assume anything about what will come in two years.

(Ed:  when in doubt, do nothing)

It's a valid point as blazing out of here might be a bad move as well as one of the objectives in Cincinnati would be to shoot a bunch of video and keep it on SD cards to process when it's convenient.  When I can't count on the video processing ability in the background, that objective gets muddled.  The primary purpose is to see people and hopefully cadge a meal at Amol India but secondarily it's definitely video.  With an action cam and some SD cards (costing not much), quite a bit of data can be gathered with very little bulk and all at HD resolution.

There are many channels in-play as my mind is a pachinko machine.  The blog presents one channel but it's not the only one.  There's one who's so depressed he wants to drown himself in butter substitute but we don't want to hear from that sniveling pussy.  How about we call him Snivpuss.  The guitar channel has a jammin' feel to it just now as yesterday sounded highly-adequate and I put her back in the stand not at all feeling like I had insulted her.  I don't need no stinkin' computer to make music.  And I don't as that's only the means for sharing it and making video … which I hardly ever watch once I have finished them.

There's some cross-talk between the channels and sometimes Snivpuss will say, man, I'm so sad.  In unison the others will say Shut The Fuck Up.

Other aspects of this are dry as there's no way to know if anyone buys the CD and there's no way to cash into it if they do.  The irony of this I really do find most amusing.  If you're young, that would piss you off but, when you're older, you just think, yes, of course.

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