Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Clintons Made Thirty Million Last Year … By Themselves … Without Doing Anything

Bill "NAFTA" Clinton and Hillary "TPP" Clinton are well-suited for the populist role they love to play as just about every Democrat I know makes a few million dollars at least every year.  (CNN:  Clintons have earned more than $30 million since 2014, report shows)

The general premise is the GOP is bad as they're ruthless and cold-blooded but they're somewhat straight-up about it … but the Democrats are worse because they're unpredictable.  One day Clinton is Strawberry Shortcake and the next day she is She-Ra, Amazonian Psycho Killer Bitch.


Really … so you forecast eight years ago that Obama would drop more drone bombs than George Bush, yes?

You forecast Obama would strengthen and reinforce the Patriot Act and the National Defense Authorization Act, eh?

You forecast Obama would oversee the most radical increase in domestic spying in all United States history?  You were on top of that, right?  This is what he said he would do and he did it.

Bulllllllshit that's what he did.  He made all of those things happen and there's not a real Democrat on the planet who would ever support or even give tacit approval to such behavior.

The Affordable Care Act, notwithstanding predictions of The End of Life as We Know It by the GOP, didn't do all that much.  It afforded some new protections but, overall, it didn't change anything.  The same insurance companies held all the cards before the legislation and they still do now.  The same lack of protection exists for the poor as the public said specifically they didn't want to pay for it.  Naturally, those grasping parasites are all driving pink Cadillacs and should pay for it themselves.

Even though LBJ murdered Che Guevara, he still did more for Civil Rights in the U.S. than anyone before or since.  If the ACA protected everyone, Obama would have had a shot at the title but he will be forgotten in fifty years now.  Even Doctor Ben Casey couldn't put his reputation back together again.

And now you want to vote for Clinton?  Why?  You trust her?  She has boobs?  Why?  She's not a representative of the people as you couldn't get deeper into the Washington power elite if you were a New York City bedbug in a Washingtonian cathouse.

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