Friday, May 15, 2015

John Boehner's Stupid Answer

Yesterday, John Boehner was asked by a reporter whether funding at the Federal level played any role in the crash of the Amtrak train some days ago.  He shook it off with arrogant derision and said, "That's a stupid question."

Stupid, indeed.

The current prosecution is to nail the engineer.  Roll out these train-stopper devices and then call it a day.

Hogwash.  Whitewashing it is a stupid way to do it and people are wimps if they let them use the engineer the same way they used Chelsea nee Bradley Manning.

Do you hear anyone asking why the Accela train, capable of over 100+ mph, was doing on a track rated as low as 50 mph.  As far as I know, long-distance railroading is not supposed to be like Formula 1 at Monaco and these challenges should not exist.

Do you hear why the NorthEast Corridor, one of the most heavily-traveled train systems in the country is apparently at the bottom of the list for infrastructural upgrades.

Did you hear why this train stopper technology was never implemented even though top management was well aware of it and had been integral to its development.

The engineer had nothing to do with any of that and all of these things have at least as much culpability as he.

Boehner is the conductor on a train that's already gone.  To get this problem fixed, you'll need a whole lot more imagination and a whole lot more love of country than that fellow will ever muster.


Anonymous said...

As usual itbis everyones fault but the engineer
He ffffd up and wrecked a train and killed people
If he did his job correctly they would be alive today.
The corner in front of my house has a limit of about 60mph faster than that and you will end up down a hill and in the water.
So we drive slower than that I dont ask the government to give me a car than slows itself down or change the road to nake it straighter
I just stayvwithin the laws of physics and live

Anonymous said...

This is the problem with todays society The government is supposedvto save us And no one takes any personal responsibilty for their actions
I didnt kill all those people in the movie theatre the gun companies have mevthe wespon to do it
Etc etc etc

Unknown said...

Going on about what libtards always do is not useful.

Do you agree that America's railroad infrastructure is among the most primitive for any developed nations?

Anonymous said...

Has nothing to do with the accident.
Trains tracks have curves and trains must slow down for curves. Both derailments last week were due too excessive speed ar ound curves Not due to defective tracks
And we could quite easily put sensors and controls on the trains to limit the trains speed. I thought tgat was,called an engineer

Anonymous said...

PS my car will do 160 if I wreck it whose fault is it since the highways are not designed to support that speed

Unknown said...

You're bring law into it and many times it doesn't have much to do with common sense.

Your CEO some years back made the decision: I've got this sexy Accela train ... goes fast, looks cool. Trouble is I don't have tracks capable of really supporting it. What do I do?

As we've seen, he didn't do anything. I do not see a reason to accept the engineer has sole culpability.

Anonymous said...

I never mentioned law.
Common sense says that when I wreck my car at 160mph It is my fault not the car company that made or the governmentbthat allowed it to be sold or the government that did not design roads to allow me to drice that fast
Just mine

Anonymous said...

The Accela is certified on Class 8 track at 135 And is testing to be approved for 165 on class 9 track.
It was certified years ago at 135mph
So again the engineer should not have been going 108 mph on a t0mph turn simple

Unknown said...

I don't absolve him of anything as it was a dumb ass thing to do and who knows why he did it. They all say he was such a cute kid and everybody thought he was great. What that may be, he's still the dumb ass who did it.

Nevertheless, I have a major problem with the irresponsibility of putting that train on a track when it's so grossly overpowered for it. There's the additional situation that the CEO was instrumental in developing the train stoppers and still they were not installed.

It's not so much any specific guilt but the half-assedness of it all that bothers me. Seems to me they ought to bring the systems up to modern standards and get rid of them altogether as this floundering around in the middle goes nowhere.

Woman was saying she thought being gay had some relevance so I guess that means a BJ must be like driving a train.

So I might be a bit eccentric but I think she's got the prize for barking on this one.

Unknown said...

edit: bring them up to standard OR get rid of them

Anonymous said...

I dont understand the relevance of bringing in some stupid womans gay comment. Unless he was getting BJ from his boyfriend leading up to the crash
Class 8 track is certified for 135mph but when it transitions to class 7 or 6 track he must slow down
I dont understand why you dont see the simplicity of this
Under logic all cars that can exceed the design speed of our roads should be outlawed or the roads should be updated to handle them .
Neither needs to be done We just set speed limits

Unknown said...

That kind of stuff is delicious to me as I wonder how did people get so warped.

I understand the logic but my view remains that's some low-quality track. That spins off into general infrastructure improvement. Everyone knows it's needed but no-one wants to pay for it.

I'm not questioning your logic. He knew the track and had reviewed safety with the crew. There was mention by a conductor today that something hit the train as if that has anything at all to do with why he sped the train inappropriately. My impression was he had a lower speed but sped it up prior to the corner. I don't dispute there's a huge problem with this guy. He owns the problem as he crashed the train.

In some ways there's some validity to the US holding back on building the Great American Track as it's possible to watch the insane ideas they try elsewhere and pick the best one. Given the expense of implementing a design that turns out later to be less than stellar, it makes sense to hang back.

Anonymous said...

I needed to google to temember details The spanish crash that killed 70 people Almost exact same details as philly crash And thenbthe french crash but it was actually faulty track.
So it is not out infrastructure that is at fault
As with the Spanish crash the Philly engineer is at fault
The track in philly was not low quality it is rated class 8
Your premise is flawed by reality
Very few derailments in this country turn out to be caused by faulty track Mostly caused by engineer error or obstructions in the track such as the german train wreck this week causd by a truck in the crossing
Sorry but you cant fix stupid

Unknown said...

The rail system in the US is over a hundred years old. They have done some little track improvements or whatever but it's been the same old Band-Aid technology rather than doing the re-design needed for the future. Reality is in the future, not in the past. If that were not true then people would not make babies.

This 'good enough for rock' kind of thinking is, I submit, not so exceptional. Are you really going to tell me the US train system is anywhere near modern?? Yes, I've done the run from Providence to NYC ... in twelve parsecs, too. It's not a long one but illustrative.

This, I submit, is the biggest reason people need to get cracking on it: there are so many people and more coming that you won't be able to move them any other way.

This will sound like a cheapshot but it's dead accurate. The only place I've seen a worse train system is in Greece.

I want America to greet the future. Maybe I'm not in it but I'd still like to think it will happen.

Besides, you may recall the age of the railroad tycoons. Seems to me it's only good business to build a better system now.