Monday, October 6, 2014

What? Somebody Bought It?

Somebody actually bought "Abandoning Paradise" and somebody in Britain bought something else but I gave up trying to find out what it was.  I'm pretty sure only the two books are still listed as I took the CDs down a long time ago.

So I made $4.28 so who says a dangerous ride and six months of writing doesn't pay off, huh.

(Note:  that's on both of them.  "Abandoning Paradise" makes me $2.10.  Tell me I didn't hit the lottery, Dagwood.)

What I'll do is get travelin' now as you can get a house in Sicily for one euro if you can commit to fixing it.  I think you must commit to putting five thousand euros into the place in renovation and then the deal is done.  The coolness is that it draws like-minded people, motivated, probably young, probably bright ... it's potentially a Bussana Vecchia or something approaching that vibe.

These sorts of offers are not uncommon in Italy and the same is true in Spain.  These won't be places on the beach with the surfers but they'll somewhere close enough you can go there when you like.  In my experience, it's vastly better to live near a tourist place than in it.

The trouble with the sale is the book doesn't represent.  It's not the same as "Abandoning Paradise" on the Web as I ripped out practically everything from Scotland except the cool bits.  It wasn't to whitewash anything but rather to chuck anything that didn't need to be said.

The book kind of shames me as it's not the best I can do.  It was at the time but it isn't anymore.  Releasing the whizbang new and improved doesn't help whomever already bought it as that impression is already made.  I didn't do anything with it as why bother when no-one buys it.  But then someone did.

This is the same reason I have not put the CDs back up.  They were ok for when they were but they aren't ok now.  I do not want them representing me.  Maybe the Live at Luxor but definitely not the others.

Aha.  An answer for the moment.  I will change my Web site to say there's a better version for free.  Read that instead.  That gives me space to redo the book which will be one ton of work.  It's not that I particularly want to do that but there are only two choices:  fix it or take it down.

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