Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Father Anonymous | Now You'll Get that Bloody Great Hiding

He's Father Anonymous because he wears the Alex Hat which is such a religious shrine I've never even washed it.

Mother:  you are such a mucky puppy

Some of you may remember being a mucky puppy but, as you can see, being a mucky puppy isn't bothering Father Anonymous much.  Sorry, dear ol' Mother, but it ain't goin' happen.

Besides, they don't wash the Shroud of Turin and imagine how much that bitch stinks after two millennia.

Maybe some of the low-level Bible thumpers will get bent about that but they will only show they missed the part about making icons.  The Bible tells them not to do it but, see, they fuckin' did it anyway and that's why you need Father Anonymous, the True Voice of the Malcontents.

It had split down to Waffle House Anonymous as being the True Voice of the Malcontents but maybe it has to be Father Anonymous because you'll know you've had a good hiding after he's finished swatting you.

Relax as I'm not going into the editorial.  So he fucked-up ... almost sixty years ago.

Ed:  what's the pitch?

The True Voice of the Malcontents isn't going to swat your ass, blow up your computers, or even talk nasty to you although there may be need of some latitude on that last because he swears like a motherfucker.

Ed:  so he defies social sensibility and tries to break that?

Naturally since civilized behavior is just another manifestation of the Gilded Age with the privileged.  Political correctness is the gild but the lily is dead.

Ed:  you don't think your quaint symbology is too esoteric?

That's the trouble since I can't bitch if people don't get it when I make it impossible for them.

Ed:  you're going to make a video behind this?

Maybe since I've got the extra added play.  Don't fuck with me because I'm ordained.

I think I have to pony up the $30 for the Official Documents.  I think I even get a clergy bumper sticker out of that and ain't we got fun.

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