Friday, March 3, 2017

America Wants to Be Feared But it is Afraid of Boobies

The only reaction you will ever get from anywhere else in the world regarding America and sex is laughter.  You can send all those super-phallic nuke subs you like but they're not fooling anyone since they all know you're afraid of boobs.

Ed:  and the super-phallic subs shoot off super-phallic missiles to deliver the equivalent of nuclear facials to the women of the world.

What about the men?

Ed:  who cares after they built this stupid shit.

We're also indebted to the Daily Mail or one of those Brit tabloid rags for coming up with 'side boob' photography.  There's a population in the right column of plasticized starlets and they appear doing the most banal things imaginable but to the apparent adoration of side boob fanciers.  Through all, there's the unspoken statement, "You wanna see my nipples?  Well, you fuckin' can't."

Breathtaking, isn't it.

I've probably heard more about Khloe Kardashian's nipples than I've heard about Middle East conflict.

Ed:  ever see 'em?

Nope ... because you fuckin' can't.

Ed:  are you getting beboobed and bebobbed for the latest "Ride the Dragon" picture?

Unknown since this one is taking surprisingly long to get to distribution again.  So what if it takes a second strike, tho, as it's not like The Beatles are waiting.

Ed:  I thought you covered up the boobies in this one?

I put some leaves over them.

Ed:  erm, how many leaves, Silas?

Well, not precisely that many but nooooo nipples, nooooo, sir.

Ed:  are you just manufacturing some melodrama for fun with indoor sports?

Nah, since usually a CD release will take a couple of hours and, presto, there you are on iTunes.  I'm surprised but not overly concerned that it takes much longer now.  The boob fear is just ludicrous, tho.

Ed:  ludicrous to you but others take it seriously!

The best part is why the people who hear them don't take them seriously but do keep sending those super-phallic nuclear subs, boys.  They make me so militaristically erect.

Ed:  it'll be over before you know it!

It usually is, cowboy.

Ed:  I'm not as good as I once was but I'm as good once as I ever was!

Yah, I've seen that one as well and it's amusing ... but I'll be heading off to the movies.

Ed:  which one?

"True Lies" because they don't just talk about nukes, they blow one off.  Plus Tia Carrera does the Tango with Arnie and makes it look like she's fucking him on the dance floor.  Now that's some sexy stuff but this side-boob business is for the birds.

Ed:  or squirrels?

Them too.  Pfft.

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