Sunday, January 15, 2017

About Those Chemtrails

Yevette asked me if I believe the things they say about chemtrails.  I told her I didn't and she asked why since there are chemtrails all over the sky and they last forever.

As young 'uns, our parents flew about in aircraft such as the Vickers Viscount or the Lockheed Constellation and we will look at the latter because it's such a gorgeous aircraft.

Even when it's using four eighteen-cylinder turboprop motors, the ceiling for the aircraft was only twenty-three thousand feet.  (WIKI:  Lockheed Constellation)

Here's some trivia since those tanks on the wingtips may not seem like much but they added four thousand miles in range.

There are vastly more aircraft in the air today and they fly at much higher altitudes since you will always hear of a cruising altitude of thirty-thousand feet or better for long distance flights.

That explains why there are so many more chemtrails now but it doesn't say much about their persistence although that perception is likely highly-subjective anyway.

It was a surprise to discover a B-17's operational ceiling was just over thirty-five thousand feet and they left contrails galore behind them.

There's one unusual aspect since maybe you have seen the WWII movies in which the B-17 gunners were never wearing oxygen masks so they couldn't have been at such high altitude, maybe not much over twelve- or thirteen-thousand feet.

In any case, the profusion of contrails is nothing new although it took a world war to see so many the last time.

Besides, there's no particular need for mind control programs via chemicals in the contrails when it's so much cheaper and easier to do it with fake news on CNN.


Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that it is articles proving that they have been around almost as long as flight that allow them to infuse them vapor trails with chemicals of thier choice. Remember the largest airline company in the world was run by the CIA

Unknown said...

It doesn't appear there is much which is not run by the CIA! Maestro, rim shot, please.

I've always loved the vapor trail stories due to the immense confusion with arithmetic they imply. You would have to put such a volume of gas in the air to do even the tiniest little thing and contrails couldn't even approach that.

Anonymous said...

Volume is solved by concentration and specific targeting by flight patterns.
I cant believe someone as intelligent ss yourself did not already know or research this more thoroughly

Anonymous said...

Considering how much time you put into pot eating rabbits.
But I assume that subject is closer to your heart

Unknown said...

Videos like the pot-eating rabbits really didn't take much time. I'd come up with some, erm, hare-brained idea but I didn't write a script and would just improv to see what happened. That one I liked immediately and knew this has got to go to YouTube to find if anyone believes it. Yep, some did (larfs).

Unknown said...

There's no rigorous analysis but it seems the aircraft would have to carry so much of this gas, regardless of concentration, to have any effect they probably wouldn't have even been able to take off. They would also have no guarantee the gas would end up at the ground level since the winds at altitude would probably blow it somewhere else when they're at the altitude of the Jet Stream.

Anonymous said...

Spore will land and spread through many methods ie animal fecal matter etc

Unknown said...

I wouldn't call that extreme .... noooo, I wouldn't say that. My favorite is with nanoboats since you could dispense millions of them with a handy aerosol spray and you wouldn't even need an aircraft.

Anonymous said...

That covers such a small area not suitable for an entire country

Unknown said...

I didn't realize we're gassing the entire country. Wow! I have to admire the scope!

I still like the nanobot aerosol the best since that one will go straight for the mind control. My legions will be massive and they will be loyal (larfs).