Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Coolest Obvious Invention and Other Wooden Things

Many inventions seem obvious ... after someone else thought of them ... and this one is ingenious.

If you read much and particularly with paperbacks, you probably do at least some measure of the reading while in bed, lying on a couch, etc.  It can be a hassle coming up with the right hold which keeps the pages spread but this little gadget solves that so cleverly.  It's nicely polished wood so it won't scratch the pages.

The next move is to try to rig up something which would do that here at the Rockhouse.  I don't know if this one is for sale since Pink sent it along with pictures of some magnificent examples of woodwork.

Thank you, Pink.  They're gorgeous and they show a skill I deeply respect.  The woodworkers may well be the most ancient of guildsmen.

Here's a totem pole some guy made with a chain saw.

The Kwakiutl are the Indians most known for making totem poles and they're most on the Pacific Northwest.  This tribe stuck in my mind since uni since they have a unique way of expressing their culture.  Here's one of their totem poles:

WIKI:  Kwakwaka'wakw

Here's a different kind of carving:


Ed:  possibly awkward for female guests

Hmm ... good point.

Electric guitarists as much as anyone who plays a guitar really love wood.  That may seem silly when there's almost nothing from an electric guitar which sounds wooden but it's the touch.  One of the greatest luxuries I ever found in life was an ebony fingerboard on a guitar.  That may seem a small thing but not if you play.  It's all about the touch of the wood.


Anonymous said...

Good. Now I know where to hang my purse! ML

Unknown said...

It was over forty years ago that I heard Beth Dillingham talking about the Kwakiutl and nobody knows American Indians better than she unless you're in the tribe. She's a lovely person and probably not around anymore but there are some who have an effect along the way while others were only instructors.

So how about a totem pole for the front yard? Screw the American flags and that corny stuff, let's make a statement.