Friday, June 17, 2016

So Much Reporting, So Little News

Now we have the glory of the situation in which reporters make themselves the news and Megyn Kelly has been narcissisizing herself into pseudo-stardom that way for years.  Maybe she wants a gig in a "Die Hard" movie (shrug).

(Ed:  narcissisize?)

This is yer applied narcissism, Dagwood, when you go past adoring the hell out of yourself and take it out on the networks to make yourself the story.

Another nitwit up today in a Fox bunny (i.e. blondie nitwit) who said, "I didn't know Mexicans were that smart."

That crack was about a Hispanic girl who was Valedictorian for her class.  The same Fox bunny said Chinese people are the smartest in math class, etc, etc.

Note:  Fox has since fired her.  Likely they call that 'pro-active' but how did she get on the air in the first place.

The Fox bunny is blazing racism and thinks it's funny yet there's little reaction to it.  This country crawls with it while saying, oh sure, racism is better now.  It's not better; if anything it's worse because it's so commonplace with nitwit blondies spouting off crap like this on television.  People at one time at least were ashamed enough to hide it by dark of night or their coward cloaks.

This baggage is nothing more than 'a cancer on the face of American culture.'  It absolutely mortifies me knowing Euros will see this and think it's an American.  She brings nothing but shame.

Fuck news.  These horrible people toxify my trip into bubbling cyanide poisoning.  That's when I want to hook up with Millennials and Slayer to just wreck the fuck out of everything.

Another example is the outrageous exploitation of the murders in Florida to amplify the need for more killing in Iraq and here's the state drinking the blood of the people while showing no more compassion for their loss than one gives a tire on a car when it goes flat.  The only consideration is whether it can use those innocent people for something.

At least a vampire has the grace to pretend it loves you before drinking your blood.

What do we do, what do we do.  We're bombarded with horror news and much of it is bullshit loaded for designer effect so hardly any of it is actual information.  There are platoons of fucking fortune tellers and previously they only showed up on the National Enquirer along the articles about Dog Boy and the People from the Future.  Now they're on every channel of the damn television telling us every aspect of the future except the fucking Lotto numbers.

Come to the blog for yer fortune telling needs because when you see it here you know we're just making it up.

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