Friday, June 17, 2016

Interview with Abdul al Kabab About the Ark of Genesis in Kentucky

Reverend:  you dirty Muslims believe Islamic law is more important than civil war!

Abdul:  how about you lighten up, Cracker Boy, as we're not the ones building some dumb ass Ark in the middle of a landlocked state.

Reverend:  at least we don't say the law doesn't mean anything!

Abdul:  you crackers really can't read, can you.  Have you forgotten Kim Davis or the last abortion clinic bombing?

Reverend:  those aren't real Christians!

Abdul:  oh?  How do I tell the difference since we do not hear from any others, at least not any in America.  We only see your stupid Ark being built in a state where no Ark could possibly have ever gone and millions are spent in a place where people have inadequate medical care or food supplies (e.g. coal-mining areas of Kentucky particularly).

Reverend:  I'm supposed to be interviewing you!

Abdul:  yes but you are not too good at it, are you.

Reverend:  why don't you like Christians?

Abdul:  why should we when they come to our country and kill us!

Reverend:  Christians bring love!

Abdul:  do they have any kind of love which does not explode sending shrapnel all about the place?

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