Monday, October 19, 2015

Some Say You Can't Beat Big Pharma - We Don't Believe That

When you have enraged Martin Shkreli, you are absolutely on a righteous path.    Suck it, Big Pharma Gouger Boy.  (CNN: Turing CEO Martin Shkreli so mad at Bernie Sanders he 'could punch a wall')

Martin Shkreli is a prime example of Big Pharma gouging and parasitism but he's not the worst and is small change relative to the larger problem.  Any parameter you review about Martin Shkreli is small in that he's just one parasite of many; he's simply the one who bragged about it and people know his name.

Where Martin Shkreli's greed is a threat to health for people anywhere in the country, Big Pharma adds to that willfully and with no regard for any kind of morality by spreading opioid narcotic medication (e.g. pain pills and that class of highly-addictive medicines).  Martin Shkreli is just a flunkie runner for the numbers racket but the corporations not run by tinhorn cowboys like Shkreli are the Big Pharma narcotics dealers and they are a clear and present danger to everyone in the country.

(Ed:  you're saying Big Pharma is as a bad as the Mafia?)

They're worse.

(Ed:  why?)

Because Big Pharma found a way to make narcotics legal.  Addictive Big Pharma narcotic medication leads on to illegal narcotics and that leads to a national problem.

Just in case you think there is even a trace of hyperbole in this article, legal opioid narcotics (along with heroin, etc) are only behind alcohol and cigarettes for the number of Americans who die from them.

Consider that for a moment as many of you out there think these drugs are some kind of inner city problem (i.e. Washington code for black people) but it's vastly more pervasive than that and, again, that is not hype.  When you have one hundred drug overdoses in a week in Manchester, New Hampshire, you could not get much more distant from the inner city; this is everywhere ... because Big Pharma is everywhere in the country.

We've got everything from Vicodin for the little kids to Oxycontin, 'Hillbilly Heroin,' for the big kids so they can be addicted for life and we've got what they call 'pill mills' where corrupt doctors willfully write prescriptions for these narcotics regardless of medical need.  In California, one of those 'pill mill' doctors has been indicted for murder because the state checked her records for narcotics prescriptions and found she spent five minutes or less with anyone for him she wrote such a prescription (i.e. just long enough to write the prescription).

(Ed:  so the problem is corrupt doctors, Big Pharma, or both?)

Both.  Big Pharma produces vastly more of these medications than is warranted by medical need and is thus providing for illegal distribution.  Corrupt doctors provide the pathway and the result is a major narcotics problem in the United States.

Note:  only a few doctors are corrupt but, as always, the bad seeds rot the entire apple.  Just as there is a valid and responsible need for providing medications to the public, really bad seeds like Martin Shkreli and others can get into it and poison the apple from the inside.

Many of you may not be aware of how destructive these types of medications can be but I've run into the problem multiple times in my life and I stopped taking these types of pain medications decades back because they're not much effective except for their addictiveness.  My requirement for pain medication is fair due to many broken bones, etc.  However, I will not take them because the risk from them is greater than the pain.  I know this from over twenty years of experience with it because the biggest bike crash was in 1991.  It's bad enough such an event happens in your life and but addiction to pain medication which can follow can be even worse.

Note:  that is not what happened in my case but it has with many others and these meds are also abused heavily as the Mother's Little Helper type of anti-anxiety relief.  That situation was the most immediate example of addiction and that was from Vicodin and alcohol.  The subject in this case had no idea of the addiction until the supply of Vicodin stopped and that's when Silas becomes the counselor.

Note:  yes, I did well with it.  Bragging on that is senseless but do understand it's possible.  That subject never went back to them but that addiction does not run as deep as the heavier narcotics Big Pharma is pushing and those will definitely be harder to break.  The comforting, no bullshit counselor is the only way I know to deal with it and I can tell you it worked for that one, largely because it wasn't a technique.  It seemed the right thing to do.

Again, I do not use any of these types of medications for pain even though my circumstance warrants it.  Moreover, I have not used anything stronger than aspirin in decades.  Make no mistake of the danger of pain medication and other legal psychoactive drugs (e.g. SSRI for mood, etc).

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