Tuesday, October 20, 2015

GOP's Mean Girl Still Can't Get a Job

Carly Fiorina hasn't had a job since she wrecked HP plus murdered the HP stock price to 52% of original value ... and her next job won't be President.

She had some early support but now support from college graduates is 8% or less and her support hasn't only faltered but rather it has plunged from where it was.  (CNN:  Poll: Trump, Carson dominate GOP field as Fiorina falters)

Fiorina put twenty-five thousand or more out of work and we are damn glad to return the favor to that sorry excuse for a manager / miserable example of 1% arrogance without corresponding capability.

The irony from that silly bitch is the only one she killed with her fake Planned Parenthood video was herself.

Trump and Carson still enjoy their illusory tete-a-tete and it's so cute when they kiss each other.  Neither has any serious proposal for how to take care of business and they make it so painfully obvious it's not even worth a comment anymore.

There's really nothing more to add with these losers.  You know as well as I and so do many Republicans these court fools are not viable candidates.

It's been mildly interesting to see Jimmy Fallon and Stephen Colbert falling over themselves to suck ass with these second-rate pols.  Fallon probably would anyway because "The Tonight Show" turned into a suck ass job after Johnny Carson left.  Colbert never would have sucked ass back when he was on Comedy Central so that boy done sold his soul.  That's a shame after he had been a warrior.

Fallon hit comedy's rock bottom when he had Fiorina singing to her dogs.  There's scraping the bottom of the barrel, which he was, and becoming the bottom of the barrel, which he now is.

Mostly there's nothing to do with the political parade until Spring when they start getting serious about it.  Now that Biden is into their little game there's going to be a nuclear winter as the Democrats have apparently decided to oppose Trump's bluster with Biden's boredom.  We're so sure that will be effective.

Joe Biden is easily out-matched by Sanders and Clinton and all he adds to the contest is radio noise and delay.

Biden placed his boy, Hunter Biden, in an executive position as lawyer for Ukraine's largest gas corporations.  Joe Biden knows political patronage.  Just think of all the jobs he can get his family and friends when he is President.  Maybe he can make Washington D.C. like old-time Chicago or New York with the bosses.  That would be grand, wouldn't it.


Anonymous said...

I dare say Leno might disagree with the qualification of his last job
It did fund one of the best private car and bike collections around
His new car show is great

Unknown said...

Jay Leno was considerably cooler, particularly with the most outrageous collection of wheels and Car Club Kid ever dreamed ... but he still wasn't funny. Real comedy is impossible for anyone who uses a teleprompter, particularly when the speaker didn't write the words. None of them have had the qualifications to even provide valet service for Johnny Carson and he remains the King, albeit a deceased King.

Unknown said...

The car show is not something I've seen yet but he could really be in his best element with that. I like the guys in "Top Gear" but it would be cool to see some serious competition for them from U.S. rather than just loud and straight-line speed. You have got me curious to discover what he does with it.

Anonymous said...

Jeremy from Top Gear is still a top level jerk

Unknown said...

Dunno. Sure I see he's done some dickish things but I still don't want to Bill Cosby him and ask for the trophy back. Eddie Murphy spanked him the other night and that was too funny.