Monday, October 19, 2015

Gloria Steinem is an Admirable Woman ... But She is Wrong on Clinton

Gloria Steinem is one of the foremost leaders of the feminist movement and has been since the sixties.  She has been an admirable figure throughout that time and there's no intention to build her up and then punch her down.  At the Rockhouse we admire her tremendously and see her as an extremely bright and highly-articulate woman with a strongly positive mission.

However, that doesn't mean we agree with everything Ms Steinem says and she has written an op-ed piece for the The Guardian in which she writes of her strong support for Hillary Clinton.  (The Guardian:  Gloria Steinem: why the White House needs Hillary Clinton)

Ms Gloria, that first paragraph was a masterpiece of flowery, supportive prose, girl, ... but it gave me no reason to read the rest of the article.  I'm not looking for poetry, I'm looking for a President.

She is plenty smart enough to know when she's laying it on thick and that one did.  While I don't accept her logic, her passion is infectious ... but we're still not buying it.

Scorecard for Clinton:

1 - Flipflop on support for the TransPacific Partnership - that kind of malleability is not indicative of leadership but rather opportunism and corruption

2 - Claim she will lower taxes for the middle class when there's no chance that can happen.

3 - Flaccid approach to the economy by adhering to the same old Washington stereotype (i.e. treating tax rates like a yo-yo)

Here at the Rockhouse, one strike and you're out but she's got three and they're all major.  We don't care what she thinks about abortion, gay marriage, or landing killer klowns on the Moon, none of that matters when the biggest problems get short shrift.

As observed previously, Hillary Clinton takes big bucks from male billionaires through her super PAC and then spends it to tell women she is on their side ... and they believe her.

Frankly, I don't believe that's true because women are more aware and more sophisticated than that and the impression Clinton has the heart of people is a fantasy being promulgated as real by CNN.

Note:  when we of the Socialist Left tell you a tax cut is neither possible nor desirable at this time then it may be worth your time to find out why not.  The short read is the country can't afford it and everyone has to do their bit, not only the rich who are way behind on that.

Lewis Black will set them right on socialism, just let him loose on them.  He's a Socialist who is proud to pay his taxes, he wants only that the money is spent right (i.e. not killing people).

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