Monday, June 8, 2015

Shit Science Was the Exclusive Province of the Creation Institute ... Was ...

Quinniac University, as most undoubtedly recall, is the academic institution which gave us the unique wrapper for Alka Seltzer.  No doubt there are other stellar achievements in the long and distinguished history of the school but that was their finest moment ... until now.

There is shit on your toothbrush.  (Pioneer News:   Study Says Your Toothbrush Is Probably Covered In Poop)

The premise is based on a molecule of fart gas landing on your toothbrush because it's in the same room as the toilet bowl.  Thus the (cough) scientists conclude your toothbrush is covered in shit and this affects how brushing your teeth will taste.  Don't be looking for a published paper any time sooner as any serious journal is moderated by peers and this, um, crap would never make it to print.

They also advised the following:

The world really was created in seven days
Caitlyn Jenner needs a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame
and Obama is the new Jesus

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