Sunday, June 7, 2015

Pamela Geller Makes It to the Blog's Weekly Greatest Hits

She only made it to the bottom but she's there ... and it makes me so proud.  She's listed just after Caitlyn Jenner so that tells me she could get famous the same way Kim Kardashian did it:  make a porno video.  Think of it, a Jenner / Geller lesbian flick.  The world needs it.

(Ed:  isn't Jenner straight?)

How should I know and I'm surprised you think I care.  Maybe she likes to fuck koala bears and the paparazzi will get you pics.  See them in the Daily Mail alongside whatever Iggy Azalea is doing.

It amused me yesterday with the Gellerite as he was asking questions as if to get to know me.  Dude, why.  I haven't the faintest interest in knowing you.  Just another gunner with a bad attitude so, sure, please do invite me to that party.

Way, way back I was hitchhiking with my brother and my sister and it was one of the looniest tales in my history.  In part of it, we were in two cars which were driving out of Washington, D.C., and being piloted by some West Virginia boys who came out of the hills to work down there and then stayed drunk until they had to go back.  At one point, the cars were driving around one hundred mph next to each other down the highway while they passed bottles of liquor between the vehicles.

That was just the warm-up as we arrived at the trailer park in the hills and, glory be, that's where they kept the guns.  So, there we were ... middle of the night in a trailer park in West Virginia ... good ol' boys all around shooting guns in the air and all of them drunk as monkeys.

What did we do?

What did we fookin' do??

We sneaked away and ended up sleeping under a highway overpass.

This was back when America was still fun.  Now it's Pamela Geller ... but she made the list.  Rooty tooty toot.

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