Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Texas Biker Gangs Infiltrated by ISIS - You Heard it Here First

Some DEA guy (all look the same) was speaking with great (cough) authority and said, "You know, the Bandidos are an international crime syndicate."

His partner in journalistic crime was too much of a Murdoch android to question him as the correct response should have been, "No, I don't know that and your skinny ass doesn't know it either.  The closest you ever got to two wheels was that little ten speed when you got the color-coordinated riding outfit just to go to the park."

He also did not question him regarding the DEA being a bigger crime syndicate than any unwashed racist losers in a motorcycle gang could ever dream.

Sometimes they will call these people 'bikers' but I strongly recommend you do not do that around people who really ride.  When bicycle riders get mad, they stomp one foot on the ground in a petulant display of outrage and then fold their arms across the chest.  We are not pleased.  Case in point:  Lance Armstrong.

You saw what happened when bikers get mad.  Unknown what happens when DEA agents get mad.  Judging by report, they usually go off to find some coke and some hookers.  They party a lot with the Secret Service, you see.

It's all a party, tho.  Yesterday Obama had a pre-election party in which he made a spectacular announcement of his intention to stop providing urban assault military hardware to the police forces in the U.S.  There's no telling what Clinton paid him to say that as there's no reason to believe he would have said it otherwise unless he were softening up the electorate as he did last time.

There's one salient aspect to the announcement:  Obama authorized providing $400M in military hardware to US police forces just last year alone.

The Democrats could not possibly be more tainted unless they pull someone from a prison which, in effect, they are doing by submitting to the candidacy of the wife on an impeached President.

Obama gives great Hollywood, no doubt of that.  Yesterday he also gave an impassioned perspective on the stigmatization of the poor by Fox News but with a longer history that goes back at least forty years.  His representation of what has been happening was accurate as you can push the button on anyone in the GOP and the response will always be the same that poor people are all grasping parasites who are using free state benefits to buy pink Cadillacs.  There's zero variation on the litany and they don't know any more about that topic than the DEA knows about biker gangs.  It's something they like to believe and there's not one shred of proof.

Not surprisingly, Fox News went berserk and, as accurately as ever, Jon Stewart slashed those narrow-minded dilettantes by rolling one clip after the other of Fox News journos saying all the things they're now saying they never said.

Where once being a dilettante was an affectation for an annoying few who were easy to avoid but now it's a cultural standard in proclaiming expertise where it doesn't exist.

But, wtf, Obama does that too and you can see a binary example in his handling of the NDAA.  It's grown enormously under his administration and now he says no more of those cop guns, baby.  The Democrats are for the people.  Sure, you can say that in one speech but the behavior of the last eight years speaks quite a bit louder.

All of the above items are reason to give one huge cowboy Hell Yeah to Texas as this is the state that not only gave you George Bush but also gave you the Bandidos and the Aryan Brotherhood.  Damn, son, kinda makes you proud, don't it.

It doesn't make you an 'international crime syndicate' to get the coke coming through Mexico as there's nothing much else that ever comes from there.  No-one wants Mexican reefer because it's low-power crap which only makes your lungs hurt.  Americans grow vastly better reefer right here so any idea of any big-deal reefer conspiracy to bring it in from Mexico is living in an uneducated fantasy land.

The coke is real and that's been happening for decades.  The DEA has been saying all the trucker traffic is reefer and they do bust a truck once in a while but mostly it's coke and heroin and the Bandidos know who to call.  The Bandidos are no more an international crime syndicate than General Motors when they sent the jobs to Mexico after Clinton authorized NAFTA.

Whoops, sorry.  That was misstated as they are exactly the same kind of international crime syndicate.

In other television news, Dr Oz announced the best thing you can do for your health is to stop watching television and, at a minimum, you should stop watching him.

Meanwhile, Russia Today has a journo named Paula Slier.  Her family lost one hundred and nineteen members in WWII, most of them at Auschwitz.  There's an element of hope in her story as even the most depraved and vicious lunatic in history couldn't wipe out her whole family and the evidence is clear that he tried.

Ms Slier is filming a documentary for Russia Today about her research to find family members and what became of them.  As part of her search for understanding, she spent a night at Auschwitz and, if there's any heart in you anywhere, this will break you down.

Ms Slier is real and all of the other so-called news here is nothing more than entertainment.  They're exceptionally good at it as the bourgeois masses don't question a word of it even though they know it's all false.  It's an exceptional world of delusion.

But there is no delusion for Ms Slier as most of her family was killed and she will tell you what she discovers as she searches.

In fifty years, Bush and Obama will be no more than minor historical side-notes as neither of them has been true to their party principles and neither has served to preserve the once traditional ethical standards of the United States.  Right now they're both blazing in their public hypocrisy but, after a few years, they'll be nothing.  You can name all the Presidents of the last fifty years and what each of them did, yes?

Don't worry, li'l peach blossom, there won't be a test.  We all know you would fail it.  Ms Paula Slier will not.  She I respect ... these others just waste my time but are sometimes amusing in doing it.

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