Saturday, May 16, 2015

My Duck Soup Lives

My Duck Soup is getting to be kind of a geezer for Web sites as it's been making soup since 1995 and this means (gasp) it's twenty years old.  I had never thought previously in terms of, well, it's ten years old now ... it's fifteen years old now, etc.  It struck me last night that it's been up there for twenty years.  Well!

And it's still free (laughs).

Some things aren't free, tho, and yesterday I also realized I've got a bill to pay.  This prevents doing anything immediate about a disk drive but that's not so terrible as Western Digital has served me well and I don't want to throw that out over a suspicion.  That the suspicion looks highly-credible means nothing at all until it's confirmed.

Note:  this is not a plea for money as the bill is already paid but thanks for the thought.  I mean nothing sarcastic and you'll see why below.

There's no need for a historical on My Duck Soup.  It draws 150 or so people each day and I really don't know what they do there as I haven't followed that closely in quite a while.  I put stuff up there and if it's interesting then people will look at it and come back.  Some of it must be interesting as they do come back.

Over the years, various people have helped keep it online with financial support.  Sundance and Andrea did it one year, Yevette did it another, Lotho another.  You've all been a part of keeping it going and thanks for the socialism as I have no idea who goes there and this is absolutely an exercise in the Theory of Propagated Goodness.  You have no idea where goodness will go but you do know it will go somewhere and that's, well, goodness.  It may not necessarily be for you but goodness always comes back around some kinda way.

(Ed:  I doubt the blog will get a Mother Teresa award any time soon)

Fair enough, matey.  I really have backed-off to some extent as political matters do not require combat and that kind of drama only costs a lot of time.  Something I say may piss you off but my purpose is to inspire action and not rage and I do think more about whether something will elicit rage or something useful.  If you need rage to take action then ... well ... yer mother dresses you funny.

Here's one brief editorial:   my faith in humanity will be considerably boosted when people care more about starving children than they do about Johnny Depp's dogs.


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

That thrill will never be gone!