Sunday, March 15, 2015

"Tico Tico no Fuba" - Voodoo Shilton Having Immense Fun in Video

Publicizing Voodoo Shilton's video may not be such a good idea as anything this much fun will inevitably wind up illegal.  Men want to be called macho or so but he looks adorable in this.  Watch his facial expressions and it's a certain promise he will make you smile.

You will hear more than the guitar but I'll skip the technical on this one as just now it's enough to say Voodoo played everything you hear.

Since you're here anyway, here's a plug for Voodoo Shilton's YouTube channel.  You might want to listen to his stuff from years back and then listen to what he plays today as you will definitely hear an evolution and a most interesting one.  This version of "Tico Tico no Fuba" is from a couple of years ago and there is a substantial difference between then and now even if only from the standpoint of orchestration as he plays every instrument he can find.

I like being a fan as I can tell you about this guy and say, hey, I really like his jams.  Plus I learn from it as his technique is radically different from mine.  Speed is a big deal for guitarists and something I see is that his left hand is not moving as much as mine but his right hand is doing magic I can't approach.  In slowing down the left hand and speeding up the right hand, the impression of speed to the listener is much the same ... as in lots of it.  It's all about style and you can see it in the video.  Friday nights at the Circus.  Be there!

Another reason for running the video is that Voodoo is one of the few who can point a camera at himself and make it an interesting video.  The way he 'talks' to the camera is a special thing.  I still maintain, generally speaking, any video shoot will require three cameras but rules are for breaking, etc, etc.


Anonymous said...

Love this guy!! ML

Unknown said...

Adorable, right??

I look like a goldfish when I play but he looks cool.